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Sahar Najem
Certified Financial Consultant and Founder of Mompreneurs Lebanon NGO
Miss Sahar Najem is a Certified Business Consultant(CFC) and a Finance manager at a...
Bashir Hazim
Certified Financial Consultant and Behavioral Science Researcher
Bashir Hazim is an influential Certified Business Consultant, Certified Financial Consultant, and Behavioral Science...
Life Coach
Accredited Executive and Life Coach, specialized in Youth and Young Adults. With more...Hide Overview
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Sahar Najem
Certified Financial Consultant and Founder of Mompreneurs Lebanon NGO
Miss Sahar Najem is a Certified Business Consultant(CFC) and a Finance manager at a Lebanese Offshore Company. She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and an MA degree in Accounting and Auditing. Miss Najem has Fifteen years of practical experience in the Finance Industry between Lebanon and Dubai and more than 5 years in consultancy serving mainly small and medium enterprises. In addition to attending several training courses and workshops, Miss Najem has undertaken various projects and conducted many online streams to support startups and encourage female entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses. Starting from an online platform with zero capital, she became the founder of “Mompreneurs Lebanon “- NGO, a legal organization connecting mompreneurs from all over Lebanon and encouraging business collaborations, conducting workshops with professional coaches, and networking with qualified professionals and mompreneurs with successful and promising start-up projects. With her strong personality and leadership skills, Mrs. Najem is recognized as a success story, and a person passionate to succeed. Her willingness to apply new techniques and support mompreneurs are outstanding, and her positive attitude in times of stress and the ability to adapt to business challenges and changes is remarkable, leading her to be a known face to the media targeted at highlighting and raising awareness to such initiatives.
Bashir Hazim
Certified Financial Consultant and Behavioral Science Researcher
Aya Barakat
Life Coach
Accredited Executive and Life Coach, specialized in Youth and Young Adults. With more than 22 years of experience in the educational and academic field, she is currently the Youth Coach and the head of the Community Service department of a French school in Beirut with more than 1500 students. Developed many empowerment programs for tweens, teens and young adults such as:
- “TAMAKKAN” Leadership and Citizenship program designed to have a simultaneous concentration to build leadership in line with the concept of active citizenship
- The “beYOUtiful” program on empowering girls working on their soft skills, leadership, emotional intelligence, career counseling, and fitness and health.
- “Youth Changemakers” program, which is a series of citizenship workshops combining youth coaching and street art community service activities.
- Strong believer that we should always encourage our youth to be the change and take the challenge and to inspire them to become global citizens of tomorrow.
Have delivered many workshops on topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Public speaking and Effective Communication, Team building, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution and many more. Achievements
- Founder of “Skill Up YOUth” a company specialized in youth and young adults’empowerment.
- Accredited member of Coaching in Lebanon Platform (International Coaching Federation ICF).
- Juror in the International Hult Prize Competition for emerging startups and entrepreneurs.
- Member of the Lebanese League for Women in Business (LLWB).
- Member of the Lebanese Women Council (WLC).
- Mentor in the program “big sister/little sister” of the Challenge to Change, an NGO specialized in young girls’ empowerment.
Life Coach on “Mompreneurs_Lebanon” an NGO specialized in women empowerment.